Gained Citizenship in New Jersey
June 2024

Client became US citizen today despite material misrepresentations regarding marital history over 20 years.
Out client successfully obtained U.S. citizenship, despite having made material misrepresentations regarding their marital history more than 20 years ago. This significant milestone in the client's life marks the culmination of a long journey, that thankfully to us has now ended. Despite the challenges posed by the inaccuracies in their marital history, which could have potentially hindered their naturalization process, the client has now become a U.S. citizen. This achievement underscores the importance of persistence and the thorough examination of the client's overall eligibility and circumstances.
We hope this encourages you in your journey to citizenship, we are always here to help! Call us to book a consultation or fill out an inquiry online by clicking on Contact and filling out your information.
Practice area(s): Immigration
Court: New Jersey